How to Stay Ahead of Competitors During the Coronavirus

After WHO (World Health Organization) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 i.e., Coronavirus as a Global Health Emergency, the Stock Markets had large drops, fastest crashes, and trading stopped four times Globally. Everyone thought that there will not be any business running out and expected to have a huge loss in the economy during this pandemic.

But it is not so for the business leaders and entrepreneurs. It’s an opportunity to grow your business with integrated profits by staying at home safely. Yes, it is possible with low investments and immense profits. This is just a pause and will not last forever. So, don’t worry. Your business will be up and running again. This time is very crucial and your smart move could help your business to flourish again.

Before digging down, let’s have a look at Internet Consumption Worldwide and in India.

Forbes says “COVID-19 pushes up Internet Usage to 70% and Streaming crossed more than 12%”

According to the DoT (Department of Telecommunications), “India’s Internet consumption rose by 13% since the National Lockdown & 308,000 Terabytes (TB) or 308 Petabytes (PB) at the beginning of week 1 at lock-down”

These results are not quite surprising as the 1/4th of the World Population is under lockdown and millions of people are streaming online and using the social networks for entertainment and the Internet Consumption moving to residential places as many people working from home.
Now, it is evident that the majority of people are online.

When normality resumes, you don’t need to be stay behind your competitors to retrieve any potential lost revenue.

Here’s how to stay ahead during the coronavirus

To meet your revenue values, implement digital marketing strategies for your company.

1) Always be in touch with your Audience in Social Media: Stay Connected with your Customers on your social media platform. Helping people understand the situation, educating, and creating COVID-19 digital awareness programs. Build your brand by doing these which is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of your Company.

2) Ensure that your business can be found Online: During this lockdown, many businesses were shut down even the E-Commerce Platforms. Gradually few sector companies have opened their stores with a few restrictions such as Construction, E-Commerce, and much more. So, update your brand-related services with your audiences and ensure them when you resume the services again.

3) Local SEO: Most Appropriate: As we all stay at home these days with minimal travel, we only choose to leave home for emergencies or needs. So, everyone chooses a store nearby for goods and services. So, use Local SEO strategies for better website optimization for “nearby” or “near me” search. So that your business listing will appear when a user searches for goods or services you provide. In that way, you can get the right audience for your business.

4) Social Media Marketing is Must: In the present situation, people are spending more time on social media to pass their time. So, it is the right time to focus more on branding and multiply business sales by targeting the right audience. Word of Mouth can also help to boost your business sales from the usual sales. So, it’s never too late to start your Social Media Marketing (SMM) using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest. Choose the right Social Media platform according to your Niche and raise your sales activities.

5) Advertise using Paid Search Marketing (PPC): Streaming to OTT platforms has increased drastically as more people are at home with their screens for more Entertainment. According to recent stats, the Average Cost Per Click (CPC) has decreased by 6 percent. Advertising or Marketing your business over such platforms will be more helpful for your business growth with low investment during this period. So, never lose this time and start implementing the different Digital Marketing Strategy.

6) SEO – A Bounce Back Strategy: If you are not started doing SEO, it’s never late start optimizing your website for search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing which could get the genuine traffic to your website which in turn results in Conversion. As SEO is not an immediate result of marketing strategy, it takes a minimum of two months for better results. If already started and got some really good results, never give a pause as it is an on-going process or else all your efforts will be wasted and you need to start from zero again. It takes minimum few more months to get normalized situations, so when everything is normal then, you will be the leading ahead of your competitors.

Use any of the above Digital Marketing Strategies which better fit to give a kick start your Business during this Critical and Challenging times by connecting with your Customers Online.

Check this out : Why Your Business Need An Online Presence?