7 Killer Digital Marketing Strategy For Start-Ups

Start-ups are the budding companies run by entrepreneurs with minimal team size, struggling to expand it with their tight budgets.
Before heading towards the marketing strategies, let us know “why digital marketing strategies for start-ups?”
Almost all the start-ups are not at all ready to market or advertise about their company on billboards, radio announcements, newspapers, or television ads. Such types of announcements will clean up all their reserves by encouraging them to clear up their other requirements in line with their budget breakdowns to establish themselves as a start-up in the market.
Moreover, start-up owners should execute some brilliant marketing strategies to expand the start-up in an extremely dominant and competitive world, whether the product or service is b2b or b2c.


– Seth Godin

If you have a creative and unique marketing strategy, then you can easily reach your business goals much early than you expect.

Check out the 7 killer marketing strategies for start-ups in 2020

1.User experience (UX):

Create and design a satisfying customer experience because all you need is a happy customer. A user-friendly website should have a better loading time and that should be under 5 seconds. 40% of the users leave the website if the loading speed is more than 3 seconds. The website should have accelerated mobile page (amp) I.E., a website should have a mobile and tab version as more than 50% of traffic comes from mobiles. Never ignore the user experience as 88% of users never visits the website with a poor experience. Ensure you have a user-friendly UX website design.

2. Content marketing:

It is the key function in digital marketing because the content is the only way to convey what your company is about, and helps to communicate with users. If the content is convincing and relevant then, the conversion of the user as your customer is more likely to be successful. More relevant and trending the content would be more engaging.

3. Influencer marketing:

To reach a tremendous set of audience, you need to promote on most popular spots where your target audience is present. Choosing the most popular or famous influencer who can promote your business is often termed as influencer marketing. As most people are well aware, if they recommend then most of them are likely to convert or choose the business because they believe and trust the influencer. The medium that influencers promote your business can be social media platforms such as Instagram and other online community websites like quora.

4. Video marketing:

Start making videos on what you do and how it will benefit your target audience as videos are the best way to create a huge impact. For huge reach and interaction, make use of social media channels such as youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Youtube is the best for video marketing as it is the second largest search engine. You can either create and upload videos for free or can pay to run your video as ads to promote your business.

5. SEO:

Almost every person uses smartphones and searches in the web search engine mostly on a Google search engine to finds information. So, it’s obvious that your business presence on the search engine results would naturally deliver more sales to your company if a customer searches for a related query. As soon as you start your business, try to implement this strategy. The results for this work may take time but you should be patient and the result will be always mind-blowing in case of SEO. SEO is always organic results I.E. You don’t have to pay per click.

6. SEM/PPC Ads:

SEM/PPC is slightly different from SEO and the differences are you need to pay as per the click. PPC does not take time as SEO does. PPC is instant and it gives instant results. Here you have to bid for the best or top searched keywords and the PPC Ad earns the top position in SERP. The higher you bid, the chances of gaining 1st place on SERPs would be greater.

7. Social media:

Social media is mostly to do branding for your business and helps to be in touch with your audience directly. Better social media management makes you connected with your potential audience. This is the best place to raise your customers’ range and helps drive traffic to your website. As a start-up, it is necessary for reaching out to your audience to know more about audience interests and requirements. It can be possible only by social media marketing.
Therefore, by using these digital marketing tactics, you can expand your start-up and make it an established enterprise since these are pretty fair to middling compared to traditional marketing.

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